Version 0.19
Sensel Morph Firmware
V0.19.152 (2019-02-28)
- Slow Charge
- 96 Areas on Innovator’s Overlay
- Buchla Thunder Alpha
- Relative Sliders
- LEDs stay on when playing
V0.19.162 (2019-03-04)
- Aftertouch fix
- Send 0 on lift for MIDI/MPE Pressure
- Baseline fixes
V0.19.212 (2019-07-25)
- Buchla Thunder Overlay Area Fix - the C and P sliders had a bug where they weren’t working when you touched the outer edges of them. This has been fixed.
- Keyboard Event Error Fix - the QWERTY, AZERTY, DVORAK, Video Editing and any other overlay where you assigned a keyboard event were experiencing a bug where they weren’t registering every touch. This bug was squashed.
V0.19.216 (2019-11-25)
- Fixed bug where all CC Innovator’s Overlays would not load on No Overlay
- Increased threshold of default Music Production Overlay small piano.
If you’re still experiencing issues with either of these bugs after updating your firmware. Please let us know here or email us at
Sensel App
V0.19.28 (2019-02-28)
- Undo/Redo
- Copy/Paste
- iOS Slow Charge
- 96 Areas in Innovator’s Overlay
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Buchla Thunder Alpha
- Organized dropdown menu
- Color picker
- Guide buttons