How to check if a device is already open?


I would like to check if a device is already open without trying to open it again. Is it possible with the C API?

Thank you in advance.


Thank you for reaching out. We are working on a new version of the Sensel API that will be released in the future. I will look to see whether this feature is in the next version.

If possible in the future, we recommend adding any future issues/suggestions about the API to our GitHub ( so we can keep track of issues and close them when they have been resolved. Thank you again.

Hello Alex,

OK, I’ll post my next questions about the API on Github.

One question: any idea when the new version will be available? I need to integrated the Morph into my Max setup in the coming month.

Best regards.


We will be releasing an update to the Sensel API in the next few weeks. I cannot promise a release date but I will look into the open/close issue you are experiencing quickly and get back to you. Thank you for your patience.