Can also be done with just the SenselApp (didn’t realize this back then). Have such an overlay in this thread: Overlay Design: Best Of Musical Grid Layouts
Also have done such an overlay (and more that are not possible with SenselApp) with the C++ SDK - also experimented there with different interpolation techniques to pitch bend over the “gap” between several horizontally stacked morphs, so I can put large neoprene overlays over several morphs, having a big playing area (it is an experimental patch to Mark Harris’ great MEC application):
At the end I went back to not using the interpolation though, because sensitivity around the gap was not good enough. So the playing area on the “gap” suffered, particularly when not sliding over it but pressing directly a note on the gap.
Thus at the end I am only using SenselApp atm. Which has the big advantage that it parameterizes the Morph firmware directly, so you can play the Morph as a MIDI class compliant controller, e.g. with external synths instead of a computer.