I am in the process of reconnecting with the 'Morph and playing around with MPE synths for ambient music production.
Then curitosity struck me. What alternative Thunder configurations (that is which notes and which pads) have people been using previously, ie both pre-morph thunder and morph thunder… and after a lot of googling i came up really short. Now i am in the process of tinkering with my own layouting, but if anyone have thoughts and ideas to share about how you configure your Thunder, i would be very thankful!
I’d love to see more continuous-controller uses of the Thunder rather than just notes. Use those slider-like areas as sliders to control interesting parameters in the synth being controlled. One example: use a granular synth and use the sliders to adjust the start/end/length of the grains.
That’s what I’m planning to do with mine. I’m working on a video using the Morph Thunder controlling my modular via an ES FH2. I’ll post here when it’s up. Cheers
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Sounds interresting, please post when you have it done.
I’m in the proces of having a setup using a Teenage Engieering OPZ as sequencer, the Morph as a performance-like CC controller and running the sounds on a ipad (primarily within the MiRack modular port of VCV rack). If i get it working nicely i will likewise post about it 
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Did a livestream about it last night!
NOW we’re talkin’, that’s wonderful!! You’ve really put a lot of expressibility and musicality into the controls and their ranges.
thanks! It was actually easier than I thought, just a bunch of CC controls converted to voltages 
You seem to have done a very good job of configuring the limits (low/high values) of the controls to make them cover an expressive range of values. That’s where a lot of the magic is, IMO. On the diatonic thing at the top of the pad, are you using the pressure directly to control the amplitude? It seems to be very expressive, and I’m wondering if that’s why.
Hi Tim, that was all done with the attenuators and attenuverters in the modular. Both Morph and FH2, the converter, are set to maximum range. It’s easier for me to turn real knobs than tweak numbers on a computer 
On the top row diatonic voice, pressure is affecting a timbral parameter that brightens the sound, not amplitude. The perceived effect is that it gets louder but it’s actually just getting brighter.
Here it is again, now controlling my small performance case:
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