I have a Buchla Easel Command and it does NOT have the USB Host adapter. I am trying to use the Morph with the Thunder overlay to control the Easel and I have had some (limited) success.
I am routing the Morph through Ableton Live 11. I have “MPE” checked in the Live MIDI setup. The channel is setup to route the Morph input to the Easel via a MIDI DIN cable. I have the latest firmware in the Morph, and I have loaded the latest Easel overlay.
While it does work, I find it is not very much like I see explanations in videos. For example, a note will play when I press a pad, but it plays again when I release. The timbre and modulation seem to work via the Y sliding and pressure, but the X position is super sensitive and is often out of pitch. When I use preset 2 it is on pitch, but then doesn’t respond to X slide at all.
I guess my question is, is this something that requires the USB Host adapter in the Easel? I am struggling to make it work like, for example, in this video: Sensel Morph and Easel Command Separate Oscs - YouTube. I don’t mean sending to both oscillators using different channels, I mean just the clear, on-pitch tones that are demonstrated.
Thanks for any insight into why my setup is being so quirky
Are you using the “Hardware Synth” in Live to send midi to and capture audio from the EC? Or are you doing a different routing?
“MPE” checked in the Live preferences is not necessary in this case. It’s only relevant if you want to use MPE maps on the Morph with MPE synthesizers in Live.
I’d also recommend using the Morph as a regular MIDI input, and not using the Control Script for Sensel Morph if you are only using it with the Easel Command. I think there may be some interpretation of the pitchbend sensitivity when set to MPE.
I’m pretty certain that the easel command responds to the host module in exactly the same way as 5 pin or USB MIDI, so it would have no effect.
Here’s Buchla’s guide to the MIDI implementation on the 208C https://buchla.com/guides/208C_208MIDI_Implementation.pdf
I’m away from my EC at the moment, so I can’t test all this out!
Are you using the “Hardware Synth” in Live to send midi to and capture audio from the EC? Or are you doing a different routing?
“MPE” checked in the Live preferences is not necessary in this case. It’s only relevant if you want to use MPE maps on the Morph with MPE synthesizers in Live.
I’d also recommend using the Morph as a regular MIDI input, and not using the Control Script for Sensel Morph if you are only using it with the Easel Command. I think there may be some interpretation of the pitchbend sensitivity when set to MPE.
I’m pretty certain that the easel command responds to the host module in exactly the same way as 5 pin or USB MIDI, so it would have no effect.
Here’s Buchla’s guide to the MIDI implementation on the 208C https://buchla.com/guides/208C_208MIDI_Implementation.pdf
I’m away from my EC at the moment, so I can’t test all this out!
Yes I’m using the External Instrument plugin. I see now that the morph global settings are not part of the map, so I set the pitch mode to “gravity” and it is much better. Thanks for your reply, I will need to continue to experiment with the morph + Easel. But experimentation is half the fun