Overlay Design: Best Of Musical Grid Layouts

Hi there, I’m coming from the LinnStrument world, just bought a Morph. Loving it so far.

I’m seeing the 24 notes from left to right as a common setup in many of these templates.
I have a question, but I’m sure the answer is “because that’s the way the math works for the layout,” BUT I’ll ask anyway:

Is there any reason folks that are building these templates aren’t adding one more note at the end of any given note-based template? In others words, for example two full octaves from C2 to C3 to C4? Because if you choose to slide from the C, and your synth is set to slide +/- 12, 24, or 48 notes, then you’ll fall short by at least 1/2 step of hitting your intended full octave, musically. Rather frustrating.

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One reason is that you can put several Morphs side-by-side to increase the range. (If you had the last C as the rightmost note of the left and the leftmost note of the right Morph it would be double - and (in case of piano-like layouts) disrupt the finger pattern used from a piano.
Also the width of keys is already on the narrowish side with 24 keys (narrower than on a fullsize-key piano).
The default piano mapping tries to mitigate the problem for people with one Morph by splitting the rightmost white key into B at the top and C at the bottom.

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Got it! It’s making sense now. Thanks for the idea!

am i not seeing something, or are all the senselmorph files not in that .zip?

All layouts should be in the zip file in the original posting. Which one are you missing?


I don’t see anything that looks like the images up at the top of the thread. Just senselmaps with long strips of a single note. It’s not divided up like you have in the pictures.

oh i see " The horizontal cell boundaries are only in the image - it’s continuous by default. You can enable the Morph quantization feature though. Takes some of the fun out of it imho, but possible."