Suggestions for Enhancing Sensel Morph for Music Production

Hi everyone,

I have been using the Sensel Morph for a while now and I am really impressed with its versatility, especially in music production. However, I am looking for some tips to get the most out of it.

  • Custom Profiles: I am interested in creating more customized profiles for different DAWs. What are some of the best practices for setting up profiles for specific software: ?? Are there any must-have gestures or mappings that have worked well for you: ??
  • Integration with VSTs: I have been trying to integrate the Morph with various VSTs but have had mixed results. Any suggestions on how to improve this integration or examples of VSTs that work particularly well: ??
  • Improving Workflow: How have you managed to streamline your workflow using the Morph: ?? Any creative uses or shortcuts that have significantly improved your productivity: ??

I would love to hear about your experiences and any advice you can share. I also read this thread on the forum but couldn’t get required information.

Thanks in advance…! :pray:
