I can build HelloSensel both x64 and x86
However, all others will only build as x64
the error given for example-2-contacts:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2440 ‘function’: cannot convert from ‘void *(__cdecl *)()’ to ‘LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE’ SenselContacts C:\mypath\sensel-api\sensel-examples\sensel-c\example-2-contacts\src\main.c 77
or for example-3-forces:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2440 ‘function’: cannot convert from ‘void *(__cdecl *)()’ to ‘LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE’ SenselForces C:\mypath\sensel-api\sensel-examples\sensel-c\example-3-forces\src\main.c 82
I posted to the github issues, but have had no response for a couple weeks now?