One thing that I’ve noticed while playing the Morph is that when I play an extreme pitch bend, release, then play the same note I just bent to, there is a popping sound that’s caused by the pitch bend being set back to 0. A similar situation happens with absolute Y modulation, whenever i play a note from a wide Y range.
Having the pitch bend return to 0 as you release wouldn’t solve the issue, it’d just move the pops to the release of the note instead of the start of a new note. If there was an option to have a “pitch bend release time” after you let off of a note, this would clear up those pops. Even a little 5ms slide from the pitch bend value moving to 0 would sound so much better than instant 0 and pop. A more in-depth option would be an adjustable pitch bend release, from 1ms to 10+ seconds, which would be great for long release pad sounds to not have pitch bends of the new notes abruptly shift the previous notes.
At the very least, setting ~5ms of time from the previous pitch bend/modulation value to the new notes pitch bend/modulation would take care of pops.