Can I somehow select all keys and the strip below in the keyboard and change MIDI channel for all surfaces? That would save time.
Can I change the strip below on the keyboard overlay to have pitch wheel sideways and a pressure be a selection of CC? It’s just a switch as of now.
Can I change the behaviour of the pitch button/function so sideways pitch on the key so be turned off by default and turned on when/if I want it? I have only seen the OFF function not ON.
You can select multiple areas by clicking control+area. We will also be releasing an update this week that allows you to use Control/Command+A to select all the areas on the Overlay and then click them again to deselect any you do not want to change.
Yes, if you change the bottom area to an XYZ MIDI Pad, you can turn off the note, change the X to pitch bend and Z to any CC.
There are a few ways to modify the pitchbend behavior.
a. On some controls, there is a pitchbend checkbox or dropdown that can be changed.
b. If you press Pitchbend Disable (icon on top of Overlay that looks like vibrating lines) then you can disable pitchbend on the Overlay. If the LEDs are on above this button, then pitchbend is disabled.
c. Under Morph-XXXX you can change the defaults for your Morph. One of the checkbox options is X/Y/Pitch Bend on. This will turn on/off pitchbend by default.