Sensel should support innovators / App store

Hi all

I’ve come up with an incredible way to play drums on touch devices. It’s simple, easy to learn and play, and really fun. However the experience is even better with pressure sensing, that’s why I’ve written a demo on a Sensel Morph board.

I’ve read somewhere that Sensel was desperately looking for pressure sensing applications that will boost their sales. And given that Sensel had opened their platform to innovators, I decided to contact them. I was sure they would love to see what I was doing with their boards and help us in commercializing our work.

But I was wrong. Over the last weeks I’ve tried to reach the key people at Sensel via email, phone, contact forms, whatever. But so far no one has return my calls or replied my emails. I don’t think they have realized yet the value that innovators may have to their business.

Now I am speaking with people at other companies. Several them were surprised that Sensel didn’t have an app store. I am as well. It could be really good for all of us. I hope they realize at some point.

Hello, sorry for the delay. We have been working on the release of our latest firmware and app for the Morph so I didn’t get to your forum message from 5 days ago until today. I have just responded to that message.

We are always happy to hear from people using the Morph and are happy to promote projects that innovator’s are working on. In addition to social media, we also have the #morphmade-projects category on the Forum in order to encourage sharing and discussion.

Best of luck with your ideas and if the Morph can continue to help build out your ideas, we are happy to hear it.

Hi Alex

What about the app store? Any thoughts along those lines?

No app store at this moment. Since people want to share maps, programs, applications, plugins, code, hardware, and use cases for the Morph, the forum allows for more flexibility and communication.

Sharing is great Alex. But some projects like mine will requiere to involve a large teams and the use of expensive resources like labs. Investment will be needed.

In these cases, a commercial strategy is the only way we can make this kind of innovation happen. And store backed by Sensel, would be the best channel to distribute this kind of apps and ensure a return for the project.