Because placing tens of buttons by hand using the overlay designer can be a bit too tedious, I had a quick look into the .senselmap file format to see if I could create overlays with a script. The file format is quite easy to decode, though if you can provide a description of it that would be really helpful.
This is what I found till now:
16 // version?
48 // number of buttons
7 // number of columns in next section
Columns (2x48 lines):
button type, subtype,
Depending on these the other 5 columns have different meanings:
0,0 Keyboard:
,keycode,fn-keycode,modifier bits,0,0
1,3 MIDI Slider:
1,5 and 1,19 MIDI Note:
1,14 MMC:
1,7-18 Morph MIDI Modifier:
3,0 MPE:
5,0 Setting
Innovator's // overlay name
48 // number of buttons
3 // number of columns in next section
Columns (2x48 lines):
led number,led style?,threshold(0-250)
48 // number of buttons
4 // number of columns in next section
Columns (2x48 lines):
48 // number of buttons
5 // number of columns in next section
Columns (48 lines):
Parameter values
Keyboard Modifier bits
1: Ctrl
2: Shift
4: Alt
8: Win
CC (1-127) or pitchbend (128), poly aftertouch(129) or channel aftertouch(130)
LED style
0: off
1: flash?
2: flash
24: flash all 24 LEDs
0: rectangle
1: oval
2: hex