Created an account here just to come and say that this issue pushed me into returning my Morph.
I hope that anyone who lands here through google, searching for solutions to the missing velocity curves, can see this and reconsiders their purchase of the Morph as a fingerdrumming tool with the drumpad overlay.
Don’t do it, it doesn’t work
It’s way too easy to trigger 127-strength hits, and it’s near impossible to play in a consistent, musical way.
Want to use the Y-axis of a pad to send CCs controlling the position of a hi-hat pedal? Doesn’t work. You’ll need to use one finger to set the CC position and one to trigger the note. Otherwise, you’ll get unpredictable values sent to your MIDI destination.
I tried so many different combinations of settings and even used 3rd party software to try and manipulate the data being received, but ultimately this is an issue of device limitation, not software.
The Morph was excellent using the Thunder overlay, a great example of an MPE instrument. But don’t do what I did and think that it will replace a pad controller for accuracy and expression, it just doesn’t.