XYZ Pad on innovators overlay only sending one CC

Hi guys,

i really cant figure out why my xyz pads on the innovators overlay are “not working”.
if for example i just send CC 21 on the X an CC 22 on the Y axis the only thing the morph is sending are the Y (CC22) changes. I cant therefore map CC21 in Ableton.

The same in Max with midiparse. the CC21 ist not even showing. I tried it with a high threshold. I tried it with the MPE XYZ Pad. I tried spliting the CC Lists. No success.

When i give another CC for “Press”. Then this is the only one showing up.

I tried it with a working overlay posted here: Overlay Design: Simple Dual XY+Z Pad by RJD

same problem.

The firmware is up to date.

Can anybody please help me?

Thanks a lot!