Current Bluetooth & Developer Cable Capabilities?

Hola @alex

On OSX 10.10 I used MIDI Monitor to observe the incoming MIDI data via Bluetooth. When I have the 14-bit CC disabled in the No Overlay “MPE XYZ Pad” then the expected data is sent to the computer - a continuous flow. But if 14-bit CC is enabled then only when a contact is released are there three lone MIDI packets that are received by the computer. So it does appear that the 14-bit CC setting is what’s triggering the unusual behavior. This issue only occurs when using Bluetooth & 14-bit CC is enabled. Using USB with 14-bit CC enabled works without issue.

If the BTLE MCU were simply being swamped with too much data then I’d expect the packets that were transmitted to the computer to be random and not perfectly patterned/repeatable as it is. Perhaps the main processor firmware that has trouble forming the MIDI data on Press and Hold events with the higher precision data, but works correctly with the Release events :thinking: Or perhaps the wireless MIDI data formatting is done on the Bluetooth MCU, and it’s taking issue with the change of precision/packet formats.

Aaaaaanyway I can only speculate. Hopefully you’ll be able to identify the change in the code path that the 14-bit CC + Bluetooth mode triggers.

What additional information can I collect or things can I test that’ll help reproduce the issue on your side and help identify the reason behind the issue?

Are there any diagnostics I could run or setting-combinations I could try that would help narrow down the issue?