MPE usage with IPAD

Any tips how to make Morph work with Ipad in MPE mode?

I have tried several MPE compatible music apps like Garage Band ( MPE compatibility is ON from settings ), ROLIs Seaboard 5D, Noise etc. and can’t get Morph to work properly with any them.

MPE mode gives only one note at time, can’t play full chords or polyphonic music. In normal MIDI mode Morph lets play full chords with same instruments. In music APP I can play full chords too so must be problem with MPE settings somehow.

X and Y movements do work, velocity works too but aftertouch doesn’t seem to work.

I’ve tried pretty much all kind of settings for MPE - changing midi start/end channels, tried 14 bit mode.

Hello, thank you for contacting us. Yes, we are currently working on adding more Bluetooth support for our new features including MPE. I will follow up on this thread when the update is available. Thank you for your patience. If you need MPE at this time with the iPad, it is also possible to use the powered lightning USB3 adapter.

Ok, thanks for info. Issue is with bluetooth support then? I will buy and try USB3 adapter instead.

Got USB3 adapter today and all MPE apps are working great now! :slight_smile: Really enjoying your product and nice that you are developing/updating it forwards.

New user here. Is it still the case that I need a powered connection with my iPad. Midi is working but I can’t seem to get MPE to work with Quanta.

You do still need a USB connection to use MPE effectively with iOS. With the latest firmware there is now a setting for “Slow Charge (iOS USB)” in the Morph settings in the Sensel map. If you select this and send the settings to the Morph, it will let you use the Morph with iOS without external power. The downside is very slow charging when connected to a PC.

A question for the Sensel team: Is the charging slowed only when connected to a PC, or is it slowed as well when connected to a USB wall-plug charger?

Thanks for replying. Just minutes ago I found the answer in the FAQ too.

The thing is, I wouldn’t dream of using any form of wireless connection for anything music related due to potential latency issues with my desktop or laptop. The one time I would consider using the Bluetooth connection is when noodling with the iPad. But I can’t ! Should have read the FAQ before purchasing :). Oh well, another £40 to spend :slight_smile: