Sensel App not detecting bluetooth connect morph in OSX

I have paired the device to my mac laptop but the Sensel app advises ‘morph not connected’ when I try to access the firmware via the settings. Being a USB C based mac I don’t readily have access to try the cable connection - so that icon is showing crossed out in the app. I see a wifi type icon which I assume should be for Blutooth its not crossed out and is black ( so not greyed out or crossed out).

App version 0.8.4

Currently (V0.8.4), the Sensel App does not support Bluetooth. The WiFi signal indicates that it can connect to our servers to receive notifications about available FW and SW updates. I can understand the confusion however and will make sure this is clear in the future. Future releases of the Sensel App will support bluetooth.

As for the Morph Not Connected issue, you can currently only connect to one device at a time using the Morph. Follow the directions at under the Bluetooth dropdown to unpair your Morph from any existing devices and enter pairing mode.

Thank you for reporting the issues.

I have heard that morph creates connecting error with windows but I have never heard that it makes error with mac. This is absolutely unbearable, already I am facing such problems with my windows and Morph and now I am seeing that people are not happy using it with Mac either. What can we do now?.

Is it possible to mod the Sensel app with a mod tool…?