When I use the Buchla Thunder overlay, I get false touches and releases in the area around the upper half of the E, F, and G “keys”, which often falsely activate the neighboring areas. If I increase the threshold to something like 7, then instead of false touches, certain areas in that region just fail to register a touch about 1 in 3 times. There is no such problem on the right side. And I have no such problem with the music production overlay or when I use it without the overlay with one of the linnstrument-like layouts. I have made sure that the overlay and the surface are both clean and free of anything like dust particles.
When I look at the visualizer while the Buchla overlay is on, I see that when I touch part of the F “key”, the edges of the key, or maybe even the parts between keys, are activating the surface a bit, almost like another separate touch. This is probably confusing the readings. When I touch on the right side of the overlay, I don’t see as much of this happening. So it seems that there is something off about the structure of the overlay, maybe some stiffness inconsistencies or something.
When I examine the overlay, top and bottom, bending it a little and so on, I can’t feel or see anything super-obvious that seems different in that region. But when I examine it more carefully, looking at the keys edge-on, shining a raking light across the key tops, and so on, it seems that the keys in the problematic area are a little more rounded on top, thicker in the middle. The keys on the right side of the overlay are flatter. I would guess that the more bulged structure of the problematic keys might be transmitting force in an arch-like manner to the edges of those keys.
It doesn’t seem to be an issue with the morph itself. When I move the overlay so that the problematic area is situated on the right side of the device, using the visualizer, I see that these problematic key edge activations are happening there as well, in a region of the morph where I don’t have a problem normally. So the problem seems to move with the overlay.
I don’t know if this is a manufacturing defect that happened only with my particular Buchla Thunder overlay, or if there is a problem with a mold somewhere.
Does anyone else have similar issues?
I guess I am going to have to return this overlay. It is pretty much useless as it is.