Hey all! New to this, but so far I am loving the sensel morph. I have two questions. Firstly, can any one recommend an inexpensive vst to start messing with MPE? Secondly, i am having some trouble with the sensel sending notes even when note is set to off. For example, I’ll set one of the xy pads to control some cc data, have midi note off, and will send data. The damndest thing is that its usually fine at first, but then sure enough, the pad ends up sending a really low note (c0). I do the whole process again and then its fine for awhile, but eventually the same thing happens. Maybe some kind of user error? Please help!
Hey Dominic, we haven’t encountered this issue before. Is it still occurring?
If it’s not too pricy, we’d definitely recommend Aalto from Madrona Labs. We offered them together in a bundle over the holidays. While that deal is no longer in place, this video highlights the pairing.
Thanks for the recommendation for Alto. And unfortunately, yes, the note issue is still occurring.
Thanks @dluisvoz. We’re going to see if we can recreate here. Appreciate your patience.
@dluisvoz We weren’t able to reproduce it. Could you please send your senselmap, and take a recording of it happening? You can send to support@sensel.com!
Keep us posted. I haven’t seen this issue before, and I can’t reproduce it with your map. If it does happen again, do the equivalent of MIDI contact tracing ha ha. But if it does, note the previous few steps you took and see if we can reproduce. I can’t really think of what might cause this.
Damn! Well thanks again for the great communication, and for trying to solve this with me. Again, as soon as the map is sent to the morph it tends to work just great for awhile, then all of sudden (without any change) these pads start sending the low notes! Very weird. Is there a chance that this is a hardware issue and a replacement might be needed?