Sensel drum overlay issues

Hi Guys.

So I’ve had my sensel morph for a couple of weeks and I’m loving it so far, bit disappointed that I didn’t get the producers overlay with it as that’s the main reason I wanted the morph but it is what it is :sob:

I’ve been using the drum overlay as a substitute so far but I’m facing 1 major issue.

I do all of my production inside beatmaker 3, when I hit the drum pads they play back fine but miss midi notes when recorded? I’ve tested the drum overlay in both garageband and nano studio and have zero problems recording midi, it just seems to be in bm3.

Whats weirder is the piano key overlay records perfectly well in bm3, it plays back and records every midi note regardless of how fast I play them, just the drum overlay doesn’t record every note, (but plays them back whilst hitting them) perfectly fine :upside_down_face:

I know with the buchler you have to initiate the overlay in the morph app first (which I’ve tried with the drum overlay) but still no joy.

Does anyone know what the issue might be/have a resolution to this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Hey @Chop_sawce!

Thanks for reaching out. We received the new batch of music production overlays yesterday, so it should be arriving to you shortly!

This sounds like a question for Intua. You can check out their support page here, if you haven’t already!

Brilliant, thanks for your help Matt.

One more thing while you are here :grin:
Do you know how I get get the gaming overlay to work with an ipad? The ipad picks the overlay up as the track pad suddenly comes to life but when I try games out it doesn’t register anything on the pad.