[Solved]: Ableton 10/11 Support

Please use the v. 1.2 maps with the latest scripts. Those all test fine here on 10.1.25 (I’m guessing autoupdate is churning in the background right now!). Make sure you have the scripts in the right place.
The new Ableton maps maintain the same assignments for the top row, and the transport buttons work here. What is happening on your end? Does the Sensel Morph show up as a control script in Preferences? If not, then there was a problem with installation. You can manually install from the github repo:

Our guide also has some tips about possible install issues:

Ableton 11 will require a new script and Maps, and it’s something we are working on.

Ok, updated to 10.1.30, and the script is working fine here. Let me know exactly what you mean by “doesn’t work.”